Leagues at BRP
- Here at BRP, we offer two different competitive leagues weekly.
Our Thursday League, and Sunday Mulligan League.
- Both leagues offer four divisions, Pro, Advanced, Amateur, and Ladies.
- As well as divisional play, a HUGE draw to leagues is also an optional Bonus Ace Pool that only cost $3 to join, but potentially could win you $1000’s.
- League winners are paid in Cash or In-Store Credit payouts depending on the division played!!

Times: 8 am to hour before dusk
Thursday Summer League ends for the season October 29th ,2020
$10.00 Prize Money (Cash)
$1.00 Ace Pool
$1.00 MN Majestic
$12.00 Total
$15.00 with Bonus Ace Pool
Advance/ Intermediate:
$8.00 Prize Money
$1.00 Ace Pool
$1.00 MN Majestic
$10.00 Total
$13.00 with Bonus Ace Pool
Thank you
Times: 8 am to hour before dusk
$10.00 Prize Money (Cash)
$1.00 Ace Pool
$1.00 MN Majestic
$12.00 Total
$15.00 with Bonus Ace Pool
Advance/ Intermediate:
$8.00 Prize Money
$1.00 Ace Pool
$1.00 MN Majestic
$10.00 Total
$13.00 with Bonus Ace Pool
Thank you

- Rules of play:
Keep track of every Mulligan used, by marking it on the score cards with a dot
Ties are broken by who has the least Mulligans used.
If you use a Mulligan you must play from that shot.
OB is in play
HAVE YA HEARD?! (weekly)

-$1 / $3-
When you sign up for Leagues at BRP, you are automatically entered into the Ace Pool – which you can win by hitting an ace on any hole.
You also have the option to pay $3 to enter into the Bonus Ace Pool – this special bonus ace is only on three different holes each week and must be recorded for proof!
course location
1901 Klondike Dr NE,
East Bethel, MN 55011